Guatemala - Birthdays in Santa María and clase Zunil grasp syllables in Itzapa
A great week in both our Cakchiquel-speaking Mayan communities as recent volunteer arrivals finished their first full week up in the schools, working alongside GVI staff.
Up in Santa María, on the side of Volcano Agua, in Mariano, Steve, who moves on to Nicaragua, has been training up Sebastian, our new volunteer, keeping with the vowels and numbers 1-10 with the 5 to 6 year olds in the morning class, really trying to reinforce these concepts seeing as how they are so important in the learning process.
In the afternoon class they were teaching the older kids ranging in ages from 10 to 12, introducing reading comprehension and lessons on mammals and birds. Sebastian will take over from Monday.
Doreen had a great week training up Bella in Victoria, taking Clase 2 - Amadeo´s Class, in the morning and Clase 3 - Orlando´s Class, in the afternoon.
"It was a big success!" In the morning they concentrated with the Letter "V", the syllables, words and phrases.
The kids prefer to say Seño Bella, as Bella on its own in Spanish pronunciation is "Vela" and means "candle"! It also means "beautiful", which the kids also enjoy!
In the afternoon it was a big challenge because this kids are now in 4th grade, but they gave her a good "welcome" and now she is ready to take this class in her own from next week!
On Thursday we had birthdays which were amazing and loads of fun! Each month it is always great to see the "cumpleañeros'" faces light when they get their gifts.
Clase Zunil, in Itzapa, just finished a fantastic week, the little ones started Ma Me Mi Mo Mu and all of them got the hang of it very quickly. They are aged between 5-10.
Even the weaker kids like Jorge and Henry in the morning and Aura and Nelson in the afternoon are getting the concept of it!
Next week, Meike is planning on moving on to form some simple words with the kids and further on in the year, they will start reading and writing their first words and sentences which is absolutely fantastic considering the ages of some of these kids. Let’s see how it goes.
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